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Scratch! Media Cartoon Archive - Australian Politics and Society - 2012

Click on the thumbnails to view each cartoon (each cartoon will open in a new browser window). All images © Pope/The Canberra Times.

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121229 - Ascension of the Rebel Alliance

121228 - ThunderTones

121215 - Ashby and Brough

121124 - The Life of Pi

121123 - Murray Darling water plan

121113 - Royal Commission into the sexual abuse of children

121103 - Misogyny speech

120927 - Politics then and now

120926 - Alternative broadband plan

120905 - Data retention

120830 - The climate race

120816 - Plain packs

120810 - Electricy power price pursuit

120706 - Gravitas particle

120627 - Game of Media Thrones

120619 - Media Magnate

120616 - Abuse cases in the Defence Force

120614 - Coal contract with hell

120529 - Mining's handmaidens

120525 - The Future Fund investments

120524 - ASIO refugee security assessments

120522 - Field guide to the week in politics

120519 - The new Wiggles

120517 - NDIS: Not-so-little green men

120516 - Parliamentary Ethics Pricing

120503 - The Best Exotic Red Marigold Government

120501 - Clive's new toy

120419 - Rogue ASIO agent

120414 - Bob Brown: pulling up stumps

120405 - The surplus in the stone

120404 - An adult conversation about drugs

120403 - The Messenger (vale Jimmy Little)

120331 - Political posterity

120330 - The climate muppet show

120324 - Queensland election

120322 - The magnate of La Mancha

120321 - The mining tax eagle has landed

120316 - The other frog in the pot

120315 - Two-tyre economy

120309 - Change Agent 007

120303 - Washington crossing the Molonglo

120301 - The Forced Adoption Inquiry

1203PSI - Traditional Australian stealth capability

120229 - Let the healing begin

120228 - Time to zip

120228Gillard - Labor leadership contest

120225 - Kitchen Cabinet

120224 - Labor leadership soap opera | Watch the VIDEO

120222 - Gonski

120221 - Vive La Education Revolution!

120218 - Time for plain speaking

120216 - Operating theatre

120211 - Charles Dickens 200th anniversary

120208 - View from the summit

1200207 - First day back

120128 - Tent embassy dawn

120127 - Tent embassy protest: (flying) wedge politics

120126 - Survival Day

120124 - Government gambling trial

120121 - Constitutional recognition of indigenous Australia

120117 - Wilkie: the last to know!

120112 - Surveillance of green activists

120103 - The dog on the pukka box

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